Waineke History
Waineke Cabin A was originally the property of Mr. Routch from Waimea Plantation. He felt that the pastors on the island were under a lot of stress and needed a “retreat” location to renew themselves. He gave the cabin to Rev. Paul Denise, who in turn gave it to the Kauai Association of the United Church of Christ. Its official title is the Waineke UCC Ministers Lodge. The Ministers Lodge has been on the receiving end of lots of tender loving care in 2001 with the introduction of electricity, a new lanai, and a refrigerator.
The larger Waineke Cabin B was donated by Dr. Brenneke in 1987. Moving it to our site, refurbishing it, and erecting an additional bathroom area was a large undertaking, made possible only through the volunteer work and skills shared by many on the island. The latest renovations began in the Summer of 1998, when electricity was brought to it. The addition of new appliances, beds, chairs, and tables has brought Cabin B new life as a retreat facility. It is now ready to continue its history as a place of calm and spiritual retreat.